
Showing posts from April, 2018

Pilgrimage to Cambodia Angkor Wat temples (english)

Cambodia- the very name takes us to our Tamil ancestors who have travelled all the way by sea-   ruled the land where very few Indian kings travelled that far- spread Hinduism, Buddhism AND constructed very big temples- bigger than biggest one in India-the famous Angkor Wat and other temples- and still after so many centuries are testimonial to the architecture of south Indian temples. Cambodia is near Thailand and Vietnam and 2 hours flight from Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia. It was my dream to visit Shiva temples in Cambodia for several years (as if I have seen all Shiva temples here in India!). After my break from work, now it was possible for me to plan this trip. My wife’s sister’s daughter Sudha Rajagopal joined for the trip and made all plans to the minutest level for this temple visits in Cambodia. While we see Christianism, Muslim spreading to other countries from its origin places, we will be surprised to see Hinduism were there in other countries,, in olden days Hi